HP Serviceguard Linux Contributed Toolkit Suite A.04.02.01 User Guide (696979-001, June 2012)

Configuring Tomcat toolkit packages
You can configure Tomcat toolkit packages using either legacy or modular style of packaging.
Configuring legacy Tomcat toolkit packages
To configure legacy Tomcat toolkit packages:
1. Create a directory for the package on all the cluster nodes using the following command:
# mkdir ${SGCONF}/pkg/Tomcat
2. Copy the toolkit files from ${SGCONF}/tomcattoolkit to the package directory,
3. cd to the package directory.
4. Create the package configuration and control templates using the cmmakepkg command:
Configuration template: # cmmakepkg -p tomcat_pkg.conf
Control template: # cmmakepkg -s tomcat_pkg.cntl
5. Edit the following attributes manually in the package configuration file:
Configuration file parameters
tomcat_pkg1The package name must be unique
in the cluster.
node1The name of the node that runs the
This is the script to start the service.RUN_SCRIPT
This is the script to halt the service.HALT_SCRIPT
tomcat1_monitorThe service name must be unique in
the cluster.
Control Script Parameters
vg01The VG created for this package.VG
/dev/vg01/lvol1The logical volume created in VT.LV
/shared/tomcat_1This is the file system for DB.FS
ext2The FS type is Extended 2.FS_TYPE
-o rwMount with read or write options.FS_MOUNT_OPT is the monitored subnet.SUBNET is the floating IP address.IP
tomcat1_monitorThe service name must be unique in
the cluster.
toolkit.sh monitor
This is an interface to
-r 0The value for service_restart
can be unlimited, none or any
positive integer value. If the value is
unlimited, the service is restarted for
infinite number of times. If the value
is none, the service is not restarted.
If the value is a positive integer, the
Using Tomcat toolkit 55