HP Serviceguard Toolkits for Database Replication Solutions User Guide, March 2012

Single-instance environment
NOTE: In the example the package name is considered to be dgpkg, and the package directory
/etc/cmcluster/pkg/dgpkg, and the ORACLE_HOME is configured as /orahome.
1. To disable the failover of the package, enter following command at the prompt:
$ cmmodpkg -d dgpkg
2. To pause the monitor script, create an empty file /etc/cmcluster/pkg/dgpkg/
dataguard.debugby entering the command:
$ touch /etc/cmcluster/pkg/dgpkg/dataguard.debug
NOTE: Toolkit monitor scripts (both database instance and listener monitoring scripts), which
continuously monitor ODG process daemons' processes, now stops monitoring these processes.
The message, “Serviceguard Toolkit for ODG pausing Data Guard monitoring and entering
maintenance mode” appears in the Serviceguard Package log file.
3. If required, to stop the database instance(s), enter the following commands at prompt:
$ cd /etc/cmcluster/pkg/dgpkg/
$ $PWD/hadg.sh stop
4. Perform maintenance actions
For example, Database maintenance.
5. If you manually stopped the Oracle database instance before maintenance, start it again by
entering following command at the prompt:
$ cd /etc/cmcluster/pkg/dgpkg/
$ $PWD/hadg.sh start
6. To allow monitoring scripts to continue normally again enter following command at the prompt:
$ rm -f /etc/cmcluster/pkg/dgpkg/dataguard.debug
The message “Starting ODG monitoring again after maintenance appears in the Serviceguard
Package Control script log.
7. Enable the package failover
$ cmmodpkg -e dgpkg
RAC environment
The ODG package in an RAC Environment can be put into maintenance mode the same way it is
done in a Single Instance environment. However, if the CRS package goes into maintenance mode,
SGeRAC DB toolkit module (which is dependant on the CRS package) also goes into maintenance
and hence, stops monitoring the database. You must manually set the maintenance mode because
the ODG toolkit does not go into the maintenance mode automatically.
NOTE: If a package failure occurs during maintenance operations, the package does not
automatically failover to an adoptive node. You must manually start the package on the adoptive
node. For more information on manually starting the package on an adoptive node, see the latest
Managing Serviceguard manual available at http://www.hp.com/go/hpux-serviceguard-docs
HP Serviceguard.
Cluster verification for Oracle Data Guard toolkit
Cluster verification is a proactive mechanism for identifying cluster inconsistencies that adversely
affect toolkit package failover to a node. It checks for Serviceguard, ODG toolkit and Oracle
Cluster verification for Oracle Data Guard toolkit 31