3.5.1 Matrix Server Release Notes

PolyServe Release Notes 9
Copyright © 1999-2007 PolyServe, Inc. All rights reserved.
deletes bookmarks to match the list of servers in the matrix to which
the server belongs. If you currently have a .matrixrc file, you may need
to update it to use this feature. See the PolyServe Administration Guide
or the “Connect to a Matrix” online help for details.
The 3.5.0 release included the following implementation changes:
This release included the following implementation changes:
The number of virtual hosts supported in a matrix has been increased
to 128. The number of supported service/device monitors has also
been increased to 128.
When you configure a network interface to allow or discourage
administrative traffic, the setting now applies to all interfaces within
the same subnet on all servers of the cluster. Previously, each interface
had to be configured separately.
The names of the SanPulse start options were changed, and the unit
for the --mptimeout parameter was also changed. If you added these
parameters to the mxinit.conf file, you will need to update the file. See
the PolyServe Upgrade Guide for more information.
The following changes were made to Start and Stop scripts for service
and device monitors:
Paths to scripts can now include spaces. The paths must be
enclosed in double quotation marks.
Custom Start and Stop scripts can now be configured to run in
relation to the starting and stopping activities of the built-in
The following changes were made to the .matrixrc file:
–The .matrixrc file is now created automatically when you configure
bookmarks on the Matrix Server Connect window.
–The .matrixrc file is no longer required. If a server does not have a
.matrixrc file, you will be asked for a user name and password
when you connect to that server.