HP Systems Insight Manager 5.3 Command Line Interface reference guide

For security reasons HP SIM prohibits the following characters from being entered as part
of an argvalue: grave accents (`), semicolon (;), ampersand (&), bar (|), left parenthesis
('('), hash mark (#), greater than sign (>), less than sign (<), and the new line character.
Suppress job information headers and send the job output directly to stdout or stderr
as appropriate. Exception information is sent to stderr.
-O filename
Save the stdout and stderr data produced by the tool execution to the file filename
. The file's pathname can be absolute or relative to the current directory. If the file already
exists, it will be replaced. If it does not exist, it will be created. If the output file cannot be
created in the given path, HP SIM tries to write the file to the /var/tmp directory. If that
fails, the output is sent to stdout.
-o directory
Save the stdout and stderr data produced by the tool execution, one results file
per target node, in the specified directory . The name of each results file is in the format
-n target [target...]
Specify the names of the managed nodes and node groups on which to execute the tool.
This list of nodes and node groups is called the
target list
. The targets are separated by
spaces, and node groups are identified by the g: prefix.
-q queryname
Specify the name of an existing query on which to execute the tool.
-i task_name [task_name...]
Specify the existing tasks on which to perform a specified operation.
-j jobID [jobID...]
Specify the currently running job on which to perform a specified operation.
-d date
List the jobs completed after a specific date. Enter the date in the format: month/day/year
hour:minute AM|PM. Enclose the string specifying the date in quotation marks to ensure
that it is interpreted as a single argument, including the embedded spaces.
Cancel a job.
Kill any running commands associated with a job.
-l d
Display detailed information for the specified job, including stdout, stderr, and
completion status per target. An error occurs if you do not specify a job ID. One job ID and
one -l option can be specified.
-l n
List job IDs only. -l n is the default for listing; it behaves as if no options are specified.
Normally, -l n is not specified with any job_ID values, and it lists all jobs. Otherwise, it
repeats the job ID values specified on the command line, if they exist. Only one -l option
can be specified.
-l t
Limits on simultaneous task execution 33