HP Systems Insight Manager 7.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for Linux

central processing
unit polling rate
The rate for how often the Cluster Monitor CPU Resource checks CPU utilization as reported by
Insight Management Agent on monitored systems.
certificate An electronic document that contains a subject's public key and identifying information about
the subject. The certificate is signed by a certificate authority (CA) to bind the key and subject
identification together.
See also certificate authority.
certificate authority A trusted third-party organization or company that issues digital certificates used to create digital
signatures and public-private key pairs. The role of the CA in this process is to guarantee that the
individual who has been granted the unique certificate is the individual they claim to be.
certificate key A value used alone or with an encryption decoder (corresponding public or private key) for
cryptography. In traditional private key cryptography, the communicators share a key or cipher
so that each can encrypt and decrypt messages. The risk in this system is that if any party loses
the key, the system is broken. In public key cryptography, the private key is associated with a
public key, so each person in the system has a personal private key that is never shared.
cleared status A status condition that indicates an event is cleared.
clearing events Changing the event status from uncleared to cleared.
clients HP desktop, portable, and workstation systems.
cluster A parallel or distributed computing system made up of many discrete systems that form a single,
unified computing resource. Clusters vary in their features, complexity, and the purposes for which
they are best suited.
cluster IP address The IP address of the cluster.
cluster monitor A core component of HP Systems Insight Manager. Cluster Monitor adds the ability to monitor
and manage multi-node clusters. Cluster Monitor also manages multiple cluster platforms in a
heterogeneous environment.
cluster monitor
A program that provides a monitoring or management function for clustered nodes in a cluster.
cluster system
Information about cluster systems. This information is stored in the database.
collections The method for grouping system or event.
command line
A text-based application that can be executed from a command shell such as sh, csh, ksh or the
Microsoft Windows CMD shell.
information model
An object-oriented schema defined by the Desktop Management Task Force (DMTF). CIM is an
information model guide that describes and shares management information enterprise-wide.
CIM is designed for extending each management environment in which it is used.
information model
object manager
A CIMOM acts as the interface for communication between web-based enterprise management
(WBEM) providers and management applications such as HP Systems Insight Manager. A CIMOM
that provides an interface for an SMI-S provider is called an SMI CIMOM.
See management protocol.
complex Computer systems that support multiple hardware partitions are referred to as a complex. For
example, the HP Integrity Superdome systems support multiple hardware partitions within a single
component A component is a single, self-describing, installable (interactive or silent) binary file containing a
single piece of software, such as firmware image, driver, agent, or utility, that is supported by
the management and update tools.
history report
The Survey Utility that contains reports that show configuration details for server and compares
configuration history files for differences.
Configure or
Repair Agents
An HP Systems Insight Manager feature that enables you to repair credentials for SNMP settings
and trust relationships that exist between HP Systems Insight Manager and target systems. You
can also update Web Agent passwords on target systems that have 7.1 agents or earlier installed.
control tasks Sequences of instructions that are associated with a search, event, or both, such as Delete Events,
Remove Disk Thresholds, Set Disk Threshold, and Set Device Access community strings.
54 Glossary