HP Systems Insight Manager 6.3 Command Line Interface Guide

To remove members of collections, replace the a option with r. Using this option removes all
of the members defined in the XML from the collection specified in the file testcoll.xml. To
remove the collection itself, use the d CollName option, where CollName is the name of the
collection you want to remove. The following example creates a new collection called Test Collection
with two members, the Test Query collection and one server. The collection is placed under Systems
by Type in the hierarchy.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<collection-list xmlns="http://www.hp.com/hpsim5.1.0.0">
<collection name="Test Collection" type="system" parent="Systems by
<member name="Test Query" type="query" display-status="0"
default-view="tableview" hidden="false" />
<member name="cupux09" type="node" display-status="0"
default-view="tableview" hidden="false" />
To add to this collection, use the mxcollection a f testcoll.xml command, where
testcoll.xml contains the XML shown in the example.
Event management
You can use Systems Insight Manager to manage alerts from the systems you are managing.
Systems Insight Manager accepts SNMP traps and WBEM indications. This section discusses how
to use the CLI to manage traps and indications. For this discussion, the term event refers to either
an SNMP trap or a WBEM indication.
Configuring Systems Insight Manager
In Inventory management, the Configuring Systems Insight Manager section discusses how to use
mxglobalprotocolsettings and mxnodesecurity to configure SNMP and WBEM
authorization credentials which is important for WBEM because root authorization is required to
subscribe to WBEM event notifications (indications.)
The mxwbemsub command enables you to manage WBEM indication subscriptions for managed
systems that are able to send WBEM indications. Each managed server must have WBEM Services
(B8465BA) and the System Fault Management (SysFaultMgmt) products installed to enable WBEM
indications. Storage devices that support SMI-S configured to send WBEM, can also send
A WBEM subscription tells the managed system where to send indications using the WBEM protocol.
To create a subscription, use one of the following commands:
# mxwbemsub a [destCMS] n nodenames
# mxwbemsub a [destCMS] f nodefile.txt
The n option specifies the system names on the command line.
The f option specifies a file that contains the system names.
When using a file, each system name must be on a separate line. The destCMS parameter (optional)
tells the systems you are subscribing where to send the indications. If you do not provide the
destCMS parameter, the indications are sent to the system where the mxwbemsub command is
To remove a subscription, replace the a option with the r option. Removing a subscription
means the systems on the command line or in the file no longer sends WBEM indications to the
specified CMS.
Event management 141