HP Systems Insight Manager 6.0 Command Line Interface Guide

and the Tomcat web server. Neither command uses any options. After running mxstop, HP recommends
that you do not run mxstart until all the services and related processes are stopped.
On HP-UX and Linux operating systems, run the ps ef | grep mx command until all processes that start
with mx are stopped. If after several minutes, there are mx processes still running, manually kill the processes
using the kill PID command, where PID is the process ID displayed using the ps ef|grep mx command.
HP SIM log
The mxlog command enables you to create an entry in a log file, or to print a log entry to stdout. The basic
forms of the command are:
# mxlog l [r result] [a action] [o object_type] [n object_name]
[u user] [s sessionID] [t transactionID] [v verbosity] [m message]
# mxlog p[r result] [a action] [o object_type] [n object_name]
[u user] [s sessionID] [t transactionID] [v verbosity] [m message]
The l option logs the entry to the log file.
The p option prints a preview of the log entry to stdout.
The l or p options are mutually exclusive and use the following options. Some of the options listed have
a default value if the option is not specified in the command.
The a action option displays the action that occurred. If this option is not used, the action START
is used by default. Valid values include ACTION_NONE, ADD, MODIFY, DELETE, RUN, LIST, ENABLE,
The m message option is the specific message to be logged. This message will appear on the line
after the log entry in the log file.
The n appl option is the name of the object or application that is making the log entry. If this option
is not used, the object NONE will be used by default.
The o object option is the type of object or application that is making the log entry. If this option is
not used, the default value of TYPE_NONE will be used. Valid values include APPLICATION, GUI, and
The r result option is the result of the event that occurred. If this option is not used, the default
value of SUCCESS will be used. Value values include IN_PROGRESS, SUCCESS, FAILURE,
The s sessionID option is the session ID in string form.
The t transactionID option is the transaction ID in string form.
The u user option is the user that submitted this log entry. If this option is not used, the default value
is the user name of the user running the command. This is typically used to specify the name of the
application logging the message rather than the run-as user of the application.
The v verbosity is the level of verbosity of this log entry. If this option is not used, the default value
of SUMMARY is used. Valid values include SUMMARY, DETAIL, VERBOSE, ERROR, WARNING, and
In addition to the above options, certain columns in the log entry are filled with default or system information.
This includes a timestamp of when the entry was created, and the Category column, which is set to
HP SIM information
The mxgethostname command displays the host name and DNS name of the local server.
The i option adds the IP address of the local server to the display.
The n host option displays the host name and DNS name of system host.
The k option prints the resolved local host.
The mxversion command displays the full version string for HP SIM. The full version string includes version
name, version number, and the date and time the version was built. For example:
Systems Insight Manager 5.0 with Update 1 – HP-UX C. ( 2006-01-05 17:13 )
HP SIM configuration 131