HP Systems Insight Manager 5.2 Update 2 Technical Reference Guide

toolbox-enabled?, toolbox*,
role-enabled?, role*,
include-filter*, automation-block,
attribute* ) >
<!-- In addition to the previously described elements, the
automation-tool element specifies the following attributes. The
name attribute specifies the tool name and must be specified in
the automation-tool element. The visible attribute specifies
whether the tool is visible for running. By default tools are
visible. The max-targets attribute specifies the maximum number
of targets against which a tool can run. The revision attribute
allows a tool author to specify a revision for the tool. Note
that this is for information aboutly. The job-log attribute
specifies whether the results of the command will be kept in this
systems job log. When job-log="true" the job and target status
for the tool will be kept for a relatively lengthy system-defined
period in the database after the job completes. When
job-log="false" only the last completed copy of the job and
target status for the tool will be kept in the cache for a much
shorter period of time, and will not be written to the database.
Job logging is enabled by default. The schedulable attribute
specifies whether the tool can be run as a scheduled task. When
schedulable="false" the tool can only run as a "run now" task.
Tools are schedulable by default. The guid attribute specifies a
globally unique identifier (GUID) for the tool. Because the
system generates a GUID for a tool during the add operation, this
field should only be specified during a modify operation. The
accepts-targets attribute specifies whether the tool
accepts targets for execution. The accepts-targets attribute is
true by default. -->
<!ATTLIST automation-tool name CDATA #REQUIRED
visible (true | false) "true"
max-targets NMTOKEN #IMPLIED
job-log (true | false) "true"
schedulable (true | false) "true"
accepts-targets (true|false) "true" >
<!-- The automation-block specifies the elements specific to an
automation tool. The automation-block must specify a
message-id. -->
<!ELEMENT automation-block (message-id) >
<!-- The message-id is the internal string representation of the message
sent by the Automation engine to cause the tool to run. -->
<!ELEMENT message-id ( #PCDATA ) >
<!-- The app-launch-tool element specifies an application launch
tool. The app-launch-tool element can optionally specify a
category element, a menu-category element, a description element,
a comment element, an owner element, a default-target element, an
execute-as-user element, a job-display-handler element, a
default-parameter element, a role-enabled element, zero or more
Custom tools 349