HP Systems Insight Manager 5.2 Update 2 Technical Reference Guide

operator (EQ | GE | LT | CT | NEQ | NCT |
eq | ge | lt | ct | neq | nct |
Eq | Ge | Lt | Ct | Neq | Nct |
eQ | gE | lT | cT | nEQ | nCT ) "EQ"
<!-- The attribute element specifies the name value pairs that
comprise client attributes. The client attribute name is
specified using the name attribute and the client attribute value
is specified as the PCDATA of the element. -->
<!ELEMENT attribute ( #PCDATA ) >
<!ATTLIST attribute name CDATA #REQUIRED >
Related procedures
Removing and restoring custom tools
Editing a CMS tool
Editing a remote tool
Editing a web page tool
Related topic
Command line tools
Configuring DMI access
The ConfigureDMI Access tool enables you to set the HP Systems Insight Manager (HP SIM)
Management Server
(CMS) as the event target on selected HP-UX systems where DMI has been installed.
This adds the HP SIM CMS server name to /var/dmi/dmiMachines on each selected system.
Related procedure
Configuring SNMP access
Configuring SNMP access
The ConfigureSNMP Access tool enables you to set the HP Systems Insight Manager (HP SIM)
Management Server
(CMS) as the trap target on selected HP-UX systems. This adds the HP SIM CMS server
name to /etc/SnmpAgent.d/snmpd.conf on each selected system.
To configure SNMP to send traps to the CMS:
1. Add the full host name or IP address of the CMS as a
in the file
trap-dest: hostname_or_ip_address
2. Stop the SNMP Master agent and all subagents with the command:
/sbin/init.d/SnmpMaster stop
3. Restart the SNMP Master agent and all subagents with the command:
354 Tools that extend management