HP Systems Insight Manager 5.2 Update 2 Technical Reference Guide

Related procedures
Creating a data collection task
Related topics
Discovery and identification
Reference information
System Page
Creating a data collection task
Data collection is used to gather data that can be used for reporting. You can collect detailed data to use
for reporting or for comparing different systems with Snapshot Comparisons, or you can collect less detailed
data but collect it over time, which enables you to use Snapshot Comparisons to view trends on a single
To create a Data Collection task:
1. Select OptionsData Collection. The Data Collection page appears.
2. Select target systems. See “Creating a taskfor more information.
3. Click Next.
4. Specify how to save data by selecting:
Overwrite existing data set (for detailed analysis). Provides a network snapshot at a certain
Append new data set (for historical trend analysis). Provides trend and usage analysis
5. Select one of the following options to execute the task:
Click Schedule to schedule when the task should run. See “Scheduling a task.
Click Run Now to run the task now. The Task Results Page appears. See Task results list.
Click Previous to return to the previous page.
6. Click Done.
View the task results by selecting the desired data collection task on the All Scheduled Tasks page. See
“Task results list” for more information about the All Scheduled Tasks page.
Command line interface
Use the mxtask command to perform this task from the command line interface. For assistance with this
command, see the HP-UX or Linux manpage by entering mxtask at the command line or the Windows
command help. See “Using command line interface commands for information about accessing the manpage.
Related topics
Data collection
Reference information
System properties
The Set System Properties tool enables you to set system properties for a single system or for multiple systems.
System properties 585