HP-UX Remote Access Services Administrator's Guide

/usr/newconfig/etc/ftpd/examples directory. You can edit this file and copy
it to the /etc/ftpd directory.
The administrative utility, /usr/bin/privatepw, is used to update the group access
file information in /etc/ftpd/ftpgroups. The administrator can add, delete, and
list enhanced access group information required for the commands SITE GROUP and
SITE GPASS. The /usr/bin/privatepw command requires read and write
permission for the appropriate ftpgroups file to modify the access group information.
For more information, type man 4 ftpgroups at the HP-UX prompt.
Configuring Anonymous FTP Access
One of the main administrative tasks in configuring the FTP daemon is providing access
for certain user classes to the files available on the FTP server. FTP recognizes three
different user classes for access control purposes:
Anonymous user
Guest user
Real user
Anonymous FTP allows a user without a login on your host to transfer files to and
from a public directory. A user can type the ftp command to connect to your host and
type anonymous or ftp as a login name. The user can then type any string of characters
as a password. (By convention, the password is the host name of the users host). The
anonymous user is then given access only to the user ftps home directory, usually
called /home/ftp.
The difference between the anonymous and guest ftp class is that a guest user needs
a password to log in. Unlike anonymous ftp, you can restrict guest users to certain
directory structures on the server system, which gives you additional control over who
is allowed to ftp to a system.
The following sections describe the tasks involved in setting up an anonymous ftp
Adding a user ftp to the /etc/passwd file
Creating the anonymous FTP directory
You can follow the instructions in this section, or you can use System Administration
Manager (SAM) to configure anonymous ftp access. SAM is an online user interface
for performing system administration tasks. It provides extensive online help to
configure anonymous ftp access. To run SAM, type sam at the HP-UX prompt.
Adding a User ftp to the /etc/passwd File
Use a text editor to open the /etc/passwd file, and add an entry for the user ftp as
shown in the following example:
ftp:*:500:guest:anonymous ftp:/home/ftp:/usr/bin/false
36 Configuring FTP