Installing and Administering PPP

112 Chapter 5
Security Techniques
Writing a Stanza - A Complex UDP Example
domain port, does not have a source address of the domain name server.
After making the change to accommodate the differences, by removing
the restriction on direction (‘send') and relaxing the restriction on
address, you have replaced rule (3) with the edited rule resembling (4).
(2) udp/
(4) udp/
Step 4 - Minimizing External Control of Data Passing
through the Packet Filter
Up to this point the rules have always been based on the trust of data
under local control. With static filtering, the second rule now permits
data that is under external control through the packet filter.
protocol is UDP AND
source or destination IP address is AND
source port is domain (53) AND
destination port is in the range 1024-65535
permit the packet to pass
This means that an external host can send UDP packets from port 53 to
any unprivileged port on the domain name server without requiring an
internal initiator. Unfortunately, there are a number of assigned ports,
such as the normal default NFS port (2049/udp), which are allocated out
of the unprivileged port range and can present security problems. You
can minimize the risk by reducing services on your domain name server
and by adding additional rules to block access to those services before the
second rule. If you explicitly block access to the port first, the packet will
not reach the rule that gives it permission to pass because the filter stops
as soon as a match is found
Finally, an internal user on a local host other than the domain name
server may use the ‘server’ command of ‘nslookup’ to change the default
server. In this case, the packet is not sent to the local domain name
server but directly to the external domain name server.
any.unpriv -> any.domain # the outbound domain request
any.unpriv <- any.domain # the inbound response to the request
Once again, permitting the traffic to pass requires adding two additional
rules, labeled (d) in the example, to group (a) (b) and (c). Now there are a
total of 8 rules.
(d) udp/srcaddr=