NetWare Client for DOS and MS Windows User Guide

Setting Up and Managing Network Drives
Using NetWare Utilities to Set Up and Manage Drive Mappings
The NetWare User Tools for DOS (the NETUSER Utility)
NETUSER allows you to assign drives to network directories. Use
View drive mappings
Create or change network or search drive mappings
Assign a drive to a fake root directory (for applications that must use a root
NETUSER is a NetWare workstation utility located in the SYS:PUBLIC
directory. A default drive mapping should exist for the SYS:PUBLIC
directory (the default is drive Z:).
NOTE: The NETUSER utility is available in NetWare 4 networks only.
Specify the type of drive mapping and assignment you want by completing
the following procedure.
1 Change to the SYS:PUBLIC directory.
2 Load NetWare User Tools for DOS by typing
The NETUSER utility menu appears.
3 Choose “Drives.”
The “Available Options” window appears.
4 Choose “Drive Mapping” or “Search Mapping” from the list.
Either the “Current Drive Mappings” or the “Current Search Mappings” window
5 To add a network or search drive mapping, press <Ins> and follow the screen
NetWare 4
Chapter 3, “Creating Login Scripts,” in Supervising the
Version Reference