PCI Token Ring Administrator's Guide

Token Ring Hardware Path
Hardware Path
Appendix C132
Hardware Path
The I/O subsystem identifies each Token Ring card by its hardware path.
The hardware path is assigned by the system according to the physical
location (slot) of the card in the hardware backplane. Below are
definitions of the hardware path on each system type.
Use the lanscan(1M) command to display the hardware path of each
Token Ring card that is bound successfully to the I/O subsystem when
the system is booted-up.
Table C-1 Hardware Path
Series 800 HP-PB Model 712
HP 9000 Add-on
For Series 800 HP-PB
systems, the hardware
path is determined by
multiplying the slot
number by 4.
For Model 712
systems, the
hardware path is
composed of three
parts: an I/O module
identifier, a slot
identifier, anda card
identifier. The
module identifier for
a Core I/O card is
always 5, the slot
number for a Core
I/O card is always 0,
and the
identifier is 7.
For Series 700
systems, the
hardware path is
composed of three
parts: an I/O module
identifier, a 0, and a
slot identifier. For
add-on EISA cards,
the module ID is 4,
the slot number is a
value from 1
through 4.
For example: 48
specifies the hardware
path of the HP-PB card
in slot 12.
For example: 5/0/7
specifies the
hardware path of
the Model 712 card.
For example: 4/0/3
specifies the
hardware path for
anadd-onEISA card
in slot 3.