PCI Token Ring Administrator's Guide

Token Ring Resources
Token Ring Device Files (obsolete)
Chapter 370
Token Ring Device Files (obsolete)
Prior to 10.30, device files were used to identify the Token Ring driver
and card. Information about device files is included here for those
systems that may still be using older versions of HP-UX.
Each driver/card was associated with a device file. By convention, device
files were kept in a directory called /dev, with each device file having a
name and device number to uniquely identify the above characteristics.
For each Token Ring card that is bound successfully to the I/O subsystem
at boot-up, the system created device files by default: /dev/lanX. The
card instance number was concatenated to the device file names.
Using Device Files
Once a system is re-booted, log on and follow the steps below to verify the
Token Ring device files. If the major numbers or minor numbers are not
correct, delete the device file entries from your /dev directory and
recreate them with the correct numbers using the insf(1M) command.
1. Execute the lanscan command.
2. Obtain a listing of the LAN device files.
ls -l /dev/lan*
3. Compare the lanscan output with the device file listing to verify that
the major and minor numbers are correct.
When looking at the device file listing, the fifth column is the major
number. The sixth column is the minor number, 0xnn0000 where nn
is the byte for the card instance number.
Series 800 Device Files Example
This example is for a Series 800 Model F20.