ACSE/Presentation and ROSE Interface Programmer's Guide

In This Book
This manual describes tools and procedures for using the
ACSE/Presentation and ROSE application programmatic interface for
OSI products. It is divided into three chapters, which provide the
following information:
Chapter 1 APRI Overview” introduces the ACSE/Presentation
and ROSE Interface and the supported standards.
Chapter 2 “Supported ACSE/Presentation and ROSE Calls”
contains descriptions of the programmatic calls
supported by ACSE/Presentation and ROSE.
Chapter 3 “Using ACSE/Presentation” provides a sample session
using ACSE/Presentation between two processes in
synchronous mode.
Chapter 4 “Programming Guide” provides information to assist
you in writing and executing applications using the
ACSE/ Presentation (A/P) interface.
Chapter 5 “Troubleshooting Your Application” describes API
tracing for ACSE/Presentation followed by API tracing
for ROSE.
Appendix A ACSE/Presentation Reference Pages” includes a list of
the supported ACSE/Presentation attributes and a
glossary of terms.