HP Fortran Programmer's Reference (September 2007)

I/O and file handling
I/O statements
Chapter 8218
ACCEPT and TYPE are also available as compatibility extensions for reading
from standard input and writing to standard output. However, if you wish your
program to be portable, you should use the READ and PRINT statements instead
of the ACCEPT and TYPE statements.
Table 8-5 File positioning statements
Statement Use
BACKSPACE Moves the file pointer of the connected sequential file to
the start of the previous record.
ENDFILE Writes an end-of-file record as the next record of the
sequential file.
REWIND Moves the file pointer of the connected file to the initial
point of the file.
Table 8-6 Auxiliary statements
Statement Use
CLOSE Disconnects a unit from a file.
INQUIRE Requests information about a file or unit.
OPEN Connects an existing file to a unit, creates a file and
connects it to a unit, or changes certain specifiers of a
connection between a file and a unit.