HP Fortran Programmer's Reference (September 2007)

HP Fortran statements
ACCEPT (extension)
Chapter 10272
ACCEPT (extension)
Reads from standard input.
The syntax of the ACCEPT statement can take one of two forms:
Formatted and list-directed syntax:
Namelist-directed syntax:
is one of the following:
An asterisk (*), specifying list-directed I/O.
The label of a FORMAT statement containing the format specification.
An integer variable that has been assigned the label of a FORMAT
An embedded format specification.
is a comma-separated list of data items. The data items can include
variables and implied-DO lists.
is the name of a namelist group, as previously defined by a NAMELIST
statement. Using this syntax, the ACCEPT statement accepts data from
standard input and transfers it to the namelist group. To perform
namelist-directed I/O with a connected file, you must use the READ
statement and include the NML= specifier.
The ACCEPT statement is an HP Fortran extension and is provided for compatibility with other
versions of Fortran. The standard READ statement performs the same function, and
standard-conforming programs should use it.
The ACCEPT statement transfers data from standard input to internal storage. (Unit 5 is
preconnected to the HP-UX standard input.) The ACCEPT statement can be used to perform
formatted, list-directed, and namelist-directed I/O only.
To read data from a connected file, use the READ statement.