HP Fortran Programmer's Reference (September 2007)

HP Fortran statements
Chapter 10380
returns a value indicating whether or not input records are padded with
blanks. For more information about padding, see the PAD= specifier for the
OPEN statement. The return values are:
returns the following values, indicating the file position:
returns the following values, indicating whether or not reading is an
allowed action for the file:
Table 10-21
'YES' File or unit is connected with
PAD='YES' in OPEN statement.
'NO' File or unit is connected with
PAD='NO' in OPEN statement.
Table 10-22
'REWIND' File is connected with its
position at the start of the first
'APPEND' File is connected with its
position at the end-of-file
'ASIS' File is connected without
changing its position.
'UNDEFINED' File is not connected or is
connected for direct access.
Table 10-23
'YES' Reading is allowed for file.
'NO' Reading is not allowed for file.
'UNKNOWN' It cannot be determined
whether or not reading is
allowed for file.