HP Virtualization Manager with Logical Server Manager 6.2 User Guide

selection) to see details about the logical server. The logical server is inoperable if the Inoperable
field is marked Yes.
Table 8-1 Troubleshooting an inoperable logical server
Suggested actionPossible cause
Perform one of the following actions:
Reverse the operation which made the underlying server
blade or VM Host unavailable for management
operations. If the underlying resource is a blade,
consider restoring the domain group or bringing the
domain group back from maintenance mode. For a VM
Host, reregister the VM Host with Insight Control
virtual machine management, or restart the VM Host.
Refresh the appropriate logical server resources (Virtual
Connect or Virtual Machine) using ToolsLogical
Unmanage the inoperable logical server.
The server with Virtual Connect or VM Host esources
associated with a logical server have been made
unavailable for further management operations.
Examples are:
Using Virtual Connect Enterprise Manager to remove
a domain group from management or to move a
domain into maintenance mode
Using Insight Control virtual machine management
to unregister or shut down a VM Host
Perform the following sequence of steps:
1. Unmanage the inoperable logical server
2. Determine which of the underlying resources is the
intended instance, and delete the other instance. Delete
the underlying virtual machine with Insight Control
virtual machine management, or delete the blade
instance using VCEM.
3. Verify the integrity of the remaining instance; if
necessary, restore the remaining instance from backup
and unmanage and re-import the recovered instance.
If the integrity of the remaining instance cannot be
verified then remove it and recreate.
Both the blade and VM guest resources of a
cross-technology logical server have been activated and
are operating simultaneously. When blade or VM guest
resources associated with logical servers are activated
using VCEM or Insight Control virtual machine
management, dialog boxes appear warning that such
activation is not recommended.
104 Troubleshooting