HP-MPI Version 1.2 for Windows Release Note

Hello world! I'm 0 of 4 on n01
Hello world! I'm 2 of 4 on n02
1.8.8 Running with a Hostfile Using HPCS
Perform Steps 1 and 2 from “Building and Running on a Single Host” (page 25).
1. Change to a writable directory on a mapped drive. The mapped drive must be to a shared
folder for the cluster.
2. Create a file "hostfile" containing the list of nodes on which to run:
3. Submit the job to HPCS.
X:\demo> "%MPI_ROOT%\bin\mpirun" -ccp -hostlist hostfile -np 8
Nodes are allocated in the order that they appear in the hostfile. Nodes are scheduled
cyclically, so if you have requested more ranks than there are nodes in the hostfile, nodes
are used multiple times.
4. Analyze hello_world output.
HP-MPI prints the output from running the hello_world executable in non-deterministic
order. The following is an example of the output:
Hello world! I'm 5 of 8 on n02
Hello world! I'm 0 of 8 on n01
Hello world! I'm 2 of 8 on n03
Hello world! I'm 6 of 8 on n03
Hello world! I'm 1 of 8 on n02
Hello world! I'm 3 of 8 on n04
Hello world! I'm 4 of 8 on n01
Hello world! I'm 7 of 8 on n04
1.8.9 Running with a Hostlist Using HPCS
Perform Steps 1 and 2 from “Building and Running on a Single Host” (page 25).
1. Change to a writable directory on a mapped drive. The mapped drive should be to a shared
folder for the cluster.
2. Submit the job to HPCS, including the list of nodes on the command line.
X:\demo> "%MPI_ROOT%\bin\mpirun" -ccp -hostlist n01,n02,n03,n04 -np
8 hello_world.exe
Nodes are allocated in the order that they appear in the hostlist. Nodes are scheduled
cyclically, so if you have requested more ranks than there are nodes in the hostlist, nodes
are used multiple times.
3. Analyze hello_world output.
HP-MPI prints the output from running the hello_world executable in non-deterministic
order. The following is an example of the output:
Hello world! I'm 5 of 8 on n02
Hello world! I'm 0 of 8 on n01
Hello world! I'm 2 of 8 on n03
Hello world! I'm 6 of 8 on n03
Hello world! I'm 1 of 8 on n02
Hello world! I'm 3 of 8 on n04
Hello world! I'm 4 of 8 on n01
Hello world! I'm 7 of 8 on n04
30 HP-MPI V1.2 for Windows Release Note