HP-MPI Version 2.2 for HP-UX Release Note

HP-MPI V2.2 for HP-UX Release Note
What’s in This Version
-np 6 -hostfile hfile
# 2 ranks on n1, 3 ranks on n3, and one more on n2.
-hostfile hfile # 2 ranks on n1 and 3 ranks on n3.
-lsb_hosts uses the environment variable established by the LSF bsub command to launch
jobs across the list of hosts, using the list of hosts within $LSB_HOSTS.
-lsb_mcpu_hosts uses the environment variable established by the LSF bsub command to
launch jobs across the list of hosts, using the list of hosts within $LSB_MCPU_HOSTS.
The new launch options described above will also add an implicit -e MPI_WORKDIR=$CWD to the
command line in the event that no -e MPI_WORKDIR is present on the command line.
MPI-2 supported ROMIO
HP-MPI 2.2 includes a new version of ROMIO which implements true MPI-2 functionality
with regards to asynchronous writing and reading of files. If existing applications utilize the
asynchronous completion routine MPIO_Wait, then users may be required to recompile those
applications and require that their customers upgrade to the current version of HP-MPI.
NOTE ROMIO is only supported when using the default libmpi library. ROMIO cannot
be used with the multi-threaded or diagnostic libraries.
CPU bind support
HP-MPI 2.2 supports CPU binding with a variety of binding strategies (see below). The option
-cpu_bind is supported in appfile and command line modes.
% mpirun -cpu_bind[_mt]=[v,][option][,v] -np 4 a.out
Where _mt implies thread aware CPU binding; v, and ,v are verbose information on threads
binding to CPUs; and [option] is one of:
rank Schedule ranks on CPUs according to packed rank id.
map_cpu Schedule ranks on CPUs in cycle through MAP variable.
mask_cpu Schedule ranks on CPU masks in cycle through MAP variable.
ll Bind each rank to CPU each is currently running on.
For NUMA-based systems, the following options are also available:
ldom Schedule ranks on ldoms according to packed rank id.
cyclic Cyclic dist on each ldom according to packed rank id.
block Block dist on each ldom according to packed rank id.