HP Process Resource Manager User's Guide

Command reference
Appendix A 219
prmloadconf -V
prmloadconf [-f configfile]
Availability: Only root users can execute this command.
This command builds or updates a PRM configuration file with the users
on the system as defined by /etc/passwd.
The command first checks to see if the configuration file already exists. If
the file does not exist, a default file is generated. If the file does exist, the
existing file is checked for suitability (such as the presence of the user
default group, OTHERS). Use the -f configfile option to specify a
configuration file other than /etc/prmconf.
-d [ LogicalVolumeGroup] Displays all disk record information.
If LogicalVolumeGroup is specified,
displays only information for the
requested disk record.
The device name must be a directory
name beginning with /dev/v that
contains a group of logical volumes
(LVM) or disk groups (VxVM).
-G [unix_group] Displays all Unix group record
If unix_group is specified, displays
only information for the requested
Unix group.
Table A-6 prmlist user options (Continued)
Option Description