HP-UX Processor Sets

HP-UX Processor Sets 5
This white paper discusses the HP-UX Processor Sets (Psets) feature in the HP-UX 11i
release. The paper explains in detail the processor sets functionality and how systems can be
configured with processor sets to effectively manage system processor resources. The paper
also includes selected usage models and examples, as well as the benefits of using processor
sets on HP-UX 11i systems.
HP-UX Processor Sets provide a flexible, lightweight mechanism for managing system
processor resources among applications and users. A processor set
consists of several
processors grouped together for the exclusive access by applications assigned to that set. A
processor set defines a
Scheduling Allocation Domain
. The operating system scheduler
restricts applications to execute only on the processors in their assigned processor sets.
Applications assigned to different processor sets do not contend with one another for
processor resources. This isolation helps implement server consolidation on large systems.
HP-UX Processor Sets support dynamic runtime reconfiguration of processor sets and
dynamic reassignment of workload among processor sets by users with the necessary
HP-UX Processor Sets are integrated with Hewlett-Packard’s Process Resource Manager
(PRM) for effective system resource management among multiple workloads, users, and
departments within an enterprise.
HP-UX Processor Sets implementation is completely hardware independent, and can be used
on any HP-UX 11i multi-processor system. HP-UX Processor Sets are available as an
optional software product for HP-UX 11i systems.
Processor Sets Features Overview
The key features of HP-UX Processor Sets include the following:
Scheduling Allocation Domain
A processor set defines a Scheduling Allocation Domain for the applications in that
processor set. An application is restricted to execute only on processors in its
assigned processor set.