Software Package Builder 1.0 User's Guide

Advanced Features
Overview of Software Specification Attributes
Chapter 5 59
An entire product
Corequisites The corequisites attribute defines a fileset dependency
that requires another fileset or product to be installed
and configured in order for the dependent fileset to
operate correctly. Multiple corequisites may be defined.
Prerequisites The prerequisites attribute defines a fileset
dependency that requires another fileset to be installed
and/or configured correctly before it can be installed or
configured. Prerequisites imply an install-time
dependency. Multiple prerequisites may be defined.
Ancestor Attribute
The ancestor attribute defines the name of a previous version of a fileset.
This attribute designates the list of filesets that will match the current
fileset when installed on a target system, if the match_target
installation option is specified.
Contents Attribute
The contents attribute defines the list of the software elements contained
within a subproduct or bundle. This attribute is automatically generated
when you create and add content to a bundle or subproduct. You can only
edit this attribute when it is used to define bundle contents.
For a software specification attribute to be resolved with respect to other
software on the source depot, it must be:
Complete (if the dependency is an entire product or subproduct it
must exist completely in the source depot),
Free of errors (e.g., no incompatibility errors), and
Available from the source depot or exist on the target host. (If the
dependency is not available from the source, the dependency must
exist on the target host.)
SPB and
When assigning dependencies in your PSF using the SPB GUI, you
should be aware of what SPB will and will not validate or resolve.
SPB will:
Validate syntax for defined software specification attribute values
Validate software specification attributes in the local PSF