HP Virtual Connect Manager Command Line Interface Version 2.30 User Guide

Command line 44
Item Description
show network [<NetworkName> | *]
Name of an existing network in the VC domain. "*" displays a detailed view of all
the networks. If not specified, a summary view of the networks is displayed.
->show network
Displays a summary listing of all networks
->show network *
Displays detailed information for all networks
->show network MyNetwork
Displays detailed information for a specific network
Add a new network analyzer port and other ports to be monitored.
Supported actions: add, remove, set, show
Item Description
add port monitor
Add a new network analyzer port and other ports to be monitored.
add port-monitor AnalyzerPort=<PortID>
Duplex=<Auto|Half|Full> MonitorPort=<PortID>
The uplink port that is used for monitoring network traffic. Only one port can be
configured as the analyzer port.
After a port has been allocated to port monitoring, it is not available for use in
VC networks and shared uplink sets.
The format of the network analyzer port is
If the enclosure ID is not specified, the default enclosure is the local enclosure
where the domain resides.
Speed (optional)
The port speed for the network analyzer port. Valid values include: "Auto",
"10Mb", "100Mb", "1Gb", and "Disabled". The default value is "Auto".
Duplex (optional)
The duplex mode of the network analyzer port. Valid values include: "Auto",
"Half", and "Full". The default value is "Auto".
The server port to be monitored. The format of the monitored port is:
<EnclosureID>:<DeviceBay>:<PortNumber>. If the enclosure ID is not
specified, the default enclosure is the local enclosure.
The ID for the monitor port can be referenced from the ID column in the output of
the show server-port command.
The direction of network traffic on the port being monitored. Valid values include:
"ToServer", "FromServer", and "Both".