HP P9000 Command View Advanced Edition Suite Software 7.3.1-00 CLI Reference Guide

You can also set the URL, options, and parameters arguments in the properties file. If argu-
ments are specified both in the properties file and from the command line, the arguments specified
from the command line take precedence. For details about the properties file, see Chapter
8 on page 401.
The Device Manager CLI only supports ASCII code characters. If a request to the Device Manager
server contains a character other than an ASCII character, an unexpected error might occur because
the request cannot be processed correctly.
When you enter commands from the command line, you need to perform shell escapes in accord-
ance with the platform.
When you use Windows Vista, execute the Device Manager CLI from a command prompt initiated
as an administrator. If you attempt to execute the Device Manager CLI from a command prompt
not initiated as an administrator, the log file and execution results might not be output to the spe-
cified output location.
If the Windows locale is set to French, the values of command execution results are displayed in-
correctly. Change the command prompt settings as follows:
- Change the font to Lucida Console.
- Run chcp 1252 from the command line.
Table 2 Device Manager CLI variable syntax
The URL that indicates the Device Manager server location in the network. The URL is
specified in a form such as http://localhost:2001/service.
For details about how to specify the URL when using HTTPS, see Executing the Device
Manager CLI by using HTTPS on page 29.
The URL must include the following items:
Communication protocol: http://
Device Manager server host name or IP address (enclose IPv6 IP addresses in square
brackets ([ ])).
Device Manager server port number.
The default port number for the Device Manager server is 2001.
If a firewall is set up between the computer on which the Device Manager CLI is
running and the Device Manager server, set the firewall so the Device Manager
server port number can be used.
Device Manager server base address (the default is service, unless the server has
been configured with a non-standard servlet alias)
Commands that make processing requests to the Device Manager server, such as
GetStorageArray or GetLogicalGroup. The command names specified in this
argument are not case-sensitive. The command is not required when reading the request
from an XML file.
For details about commands, see Chapter 4 on page 43.
Executing commands26