HP P9000 Command View Advanced Edition Suite Software 7.3.1-00 CLI Reference Guide

Parameter values to obtain in advance
Command execution example 1
In this example, the ImportHosts command with check specified for the function parameter
checks the input files.
hdvmcli ImportHosts "function=check"
"inputfile=D:\work\hostImport.csv" "mappingfile=D:\work\import.properties"
"resultfilepath= D:\work"
Command execution result 1
Verification of records from 1 to 15
in "D:\work\hostImport.csv" is complete.
Number of hosts that can be imported = 10
Number of hosts that cannot be imported = 5
Number of hosts that can be imported but for which a warning was given = 1
See "D:\work\ImportHostsCheckResult-20120515113355.txt" for information
about the hosts that can be imported.
See "D:\work\ImportHostsResult-20120515113355.log" for details about
errors and warnings.
The command execution result is output to the standard output. Follow the instructions given in the
displayed message and confirm that the file contents are correct.
The following describes the output items:
Number of hosts that can be imported
Number of hosts that can be imported (including the value for Number of hosts that can
be imported but for which a warning was given)
Number of hosts that cannot be imported
Number of hosts that cannot be imported due to an invalid format or other problems
Number of hosts that can be imported but for which a warning was given
Number of hosts that can be imported but for which a warning was issued
Check the warnings issued to the error information output file, before importing hosts.
Command execution example 2
In this example, the ImportHosts command with import specified for the function parameter
imports information about hosts.
hdvmcli ImportHosts "function=import"
"inputfile=D:\work\hostImport.csv" "mappingfile=D:\work\import.properties"
"resultfilepath= D:\work" "overwrite=true"
Command reference264