HP P9000 Command View Advanced Edition Suite Software 7.3.1-00 CLI Reference Guide

Journal Software. When you create a copy pair, the HORCM configuration file for RAID Manager,
contained in the host, is rewritten.
This command is not available for XP1024/XP128.
Device Manager does not support a configuration in which both P-VOLs and S-VOLs exist in a
single HORCM instance. Make sure all the volumes in a single HORCM instance are either all P-
VOLs or all S-VOLs.
You must specify a formatted LDEV. If you specify an unformatted LDEV, a copy pair is not created.
To check whether an LDEV is formatted, for P9500, XP24000/XP20000,
XP12000/XP10000/SVS200, or XP1024/XP128, use the GetStorageArray command.
Configuring a Business Copy Software copy pair in which the P-VOL is a normal volume and the
S-VOL is a THP volume is not recommended.
When you create a Snapshot copy pair, the paired volume status is set to PAIR, and then changes
to PSUS.
When you attempt to create a copy pair for Continuous Access or Continuous Access Journal by
using a THP volume and normal volume, the attempt might fail depending on the storage system
microcode version. For details about which microcode version you should use to create such a
copy pair, see the Continuous Access or Continuous Access Journal manual.
There are three ways to create a copy pair.
Method 1: Add a copy pair to an existing copy group that is specified in the RAID Manager
configuration definition file. To use this method, execute the command in the following format:
hdvmcli [URL] AddReplication [options]
pvolarraytype=model pvolserialnum=serial-number
svolarraytype=model svolserialnum=serial-number
[munum=Mu-number] [fencelevel=fence-level]
[copytracksize=copy-pace] [pairoption=suspend]
Method 2: Create a copy group in the RAID Manager configuration definition file, and adds a
copy pair to the copy group. To use this method, execute the command in the following format:
hdvmcli [URL] AddReplication [options]
pvolhostid=host-ID pvolinstancenum=instance-number
svolhostid=host-ID svolinstancenum=instance-number
pvolarraytype=model pvolserialnum=serial-number
Command reference294