HP P9000 Command View Advanced Edition Suite Software 7.3.1-00 CLI Reference Guide

6 Batch functionality
This chapter describes the commands that can be executed by using the batch functionality, how to
create batch files, how to use the batch functionality, and the actions to be taken if an error occurs.
Commands that can be executed by using the batch
In the Device Manager CLI, commands can be specified in a batch file and executed at the same
time. The batch option allows you to simultaneously execute many commands and is useful when
installing a new storage system.
The following commands can be executed by using the batch functionality:
Up to 1,500 commands can be set in a single batch file. When the batch functionality is used,
commands that satisfy the execution conditions are processed together. The command execution
results are also output each time they are processed together.
If an error occurs during command execution, processing terminates at that point. If an error occurs
while the batch functionality is executing, commands subsequent to the error are not processed. In
this case, create the batch file again, and then execute the batch functionality. For details about what
to do when errors occur, see When an error occurs during batch functionality execution on page 388.
When the batch functionality is executed, HP recommends using the AddArrayReservation
command to lock the target storage system in advance, and prevent other users from performing a
storage system allocation. For details about the AddArrayReservation command, see
AddArrayReservation on page 43.
If an error has occurred and the processing has stopped, you should check which parts of the batch
file have been executed. The checking process is easier if you create the batch file as follows:
Write commands that have the same port or portname on consecutive lines.
Write commands so that the devnum follows the order of the serial number.
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