HP P9000 Replication Manager Software 7.2 User Guide

Scheduling tasks
You can edit the execution schedule or copy pair settings for tasks registered either during pair
configuration or at the completion of Pair Configuration Wizard processing. The Execution Request
Time options can be configured to determine if the task should be executed immediately or at a
scheduled date and time. For open systems, you can also specify the settings to only modify the P9000
RAID Manager definition (HORCM configuration file) without creating pairs.
Modifying task execution schedule
You can edit the execution schedule for tasks registered at the completion of Pair Configuration Wizard
processing. You can edit only tasks that have the Ready, Failure, Warning or Cancel status. You
cannot edit tasks that have other status conditions or that were registered at the completion of Change
Pair Status Wizard processing.
Note the following points:
For mainframe pair configurations, the execution time set for a task is applied to all the related
tasks for the same copy group.
If multiple tasks are scheduled for immediate execution or execution at the same date and time,
the tasks with the smaller task IDs are executed before the tasks with the larger task IDs.
Actual task execution time may be delayed by as much as five minutes.
To edit tasks:
1. From the Explorer menu, choose Tasks and then Tasks.
The Tasks subwindow appears.
To edit a single task, click the associated icon. To edit multiple tasks, select the check box of
each task you want to edit and click Edit Tasks.
The Edit Task(s) dialog box appears.
3. Specify the following options on the Task Options tab:
Executes the task at a specified date and time.Execution Request Time
Specifies whether to create a pair or only modify the P9000 RAID
Manager configuration definition file.
For mainframe tasks, this option is automatically selected and cannot be
changed because mainframe pairs cannot created by Replication
Modify Pair Configuration File
Only (Do not create Pair)
check box
4. Update the task(s).
The information about the tasks displayed in the Tasks subwindow is refreshed.
Editing tasks
You can edit the execution schedule and pair options for tasks registered at the completion of Pair
Configuration Wizard processing. You can edit only tasks that have the Ready, Failure, Warning or
User Guide 171