HP XP7 Replication Manager Application Agent CLI User Guide (TK981-96015, May 2014)

Using the drmsqlrecover command to recover an SQL Server database
The drmsqlrecover command is useful for recovering particular databases and recovering multiple
volumes at once.
To use the drmsqlrecover command to recover an SQL server database:
Specify an instance name to execute the drmsqlrecover command.
The following command illustrates execution of the drmsqlrecover command to recover an
SQL Server database:
DBServer > drmsqlrecover default
KAVX0001-I The drmsqlrecover command will now start.
KAVX0002-I The drmsqlrecover command will now end.
DBServer >
When you execute the drmsqlrecover command with an instance name specified, the database
becomes accessible, and the recovery is complete.
When you execute the drmsqlrecover command with the -undo option specified, the database
is recovered in the standby status (read-only and usable). When you execute with the -loading
option specified, the database has the loading status and is not accessible. Note that the -undo
option cannot be used unless the UNDO file storage directory has been set using the drmsqlinit
Using the drmsqlrecovertool dialog box to recover an SQL Server database
The drmsqlrecovertool dialog box is useful for performing recovery and checking the status of
a database at the same time.
Application Agent CLI User Guide 295