System Management Homepage User Guide

The following is an example of how IPLIST is formatted:;;;
IP Address Exclusion Perform the IP address restricted command as follows:
smhconfig -e|--ip-restricted-exclude [=] IPLIST
The following is an example of how IPLIST is formatted:;;;
NOTE: IPv4 and IPv6 address ranges are supported.
Currently, IPv4 address ranges are supported.
IP Binding
IP binding provides HP SMH the ability to listen only to the addresses configured in the IP binding list. If IP
binding is enabled and the IP binding list is empty, HP SMH will only be accessible locally.
Perform the IP binding command as follows:
smhconfig -g|--ip-binding [=] True | False
IP binding list Use the following command to configure the IP binding list to be used when IP binding is
smhconfig -I|--ip-binding-list [=] IPBINDLIST
IPBINDLIST must be a list of semicolon-separated IP addresses and/or IP address/netmask pairs.
The following is an example of how IPBINDLIST is formatted:;;
Trust Modes
The HP SMH trusts HP SIM (HP SIM) or HP Insight Manager 7 7 (IM 7) secure task execution requests and
single sign on requests with various levels of security, ranging from trust all to only trust HP SIM or HP Insight
Manager 7 7 with trusted certificates:
Trust All This command sets up the http server to accept all secure task execution requests and single
sign on requests from any HP SIM or HP Insight Manager 7 7 server:
smhconfig -t|--trustmode [=] TrustByAll
Trust By Name This command sets up the HP SMH to only accept secure task execution requests and
single sign on requests from the listed HP SIM or HP Insight Manager 7 7 servers:
smhconfig -t|--trust-mode [=] TrustByName
To configure the trusted servers name list for the TrustByName trust mode, use the following command:
smhconfig -X|--xenamelist [=] XENAMELIST
XENAMELIST is a list of the HP SIM or HP Insight Manager 7 7 servers that trust, using a comma or
semicolon as a delimiter. The following is an example of the name list format:
Trusted Certificates This command establishes the trust relationship between HP SIM or HP Insight
Manager 7 7 and the HP SMH using the certificate. The trust mode is set to TrustByCert using the
following command:
smhconfig -t|--trustmode [=] TrustByCert
A trusted certificate is added to the trusted certificate list using the following command:
smhconfig -C|--trust-certificate [=] FILE
FILE is the name of the file containing the base 64 encoded certificate to be added to the trusted
certificate list.
66 Command Line Interface Configuration