Legato Networker ClientPak and Storage Node User's Guide

Chapter 2: Backing Up Files
You can perform two types of backups with Legato NetWorker for MPE/iX: server-
initiated backups and client-initiated backups. This chapter describes how to perform
client-initiated backups and briefly discusses server-initiated backups of an MPE
client. However, for comprehensive information on how to configure your MPE client
to perform server-initiated backups, refer to the Legato NetWorker Administrators Guide,
UNIX Version that is distributed with the NetWorker server software.
Server-Initiated Backups
Once your system administrator installs NetWorker on your HP 3000 and configures a
NetWorker server to recognize your HP 3000 as a NetWorker client, then NetWorker
performs server-initiated backups of your HP 3000.
Ideally, the system administrator should configure your HP 3000 as two MPE clients
on the NetWorker server: one for performing server-initiated backups of specific files
and directories, and one for performing server-initiated backups of MPE volume sets.
Refer to “Configuring the MPE Client on the NetWorker Server” in the Legato NetWorker
Installation Guide, MPE/iX Version, Release 5.5 for more information on configuring a
NetWorker MPE client on a NetWorker server. The process for configuring an MPE client to
receive server-initiated backups of MPE files and directories is standard. Refer to the Legato
NetWorker Administrators Guide, UNIX Version for information on the default
configuration for a client on a NetWorker server.
For server-initiated backups, NetWorker creates index entries and a media database that
track the media location of each client file. NetWorker maintains two types of indexes on the
server: a file index and a media index. The file index stores information about the files backed
up by NetWorker. The media index stores information about NetWorker media and the save
sets stored on the media.
Backing up files is short-term insurance against data loss. The NetWorker server to
which your HP 3000 is a client automatically backs up your files according to a backup
schedule determined by your system administrator.
For an overview of how to perform manual backups of directories, files, or volume sets
on an as-needed basis from your HP 3000, see “Client-Initiated Backups” on page 14.