NetBase SQL Shadowing Handbook

NetBase SQL User Exits
ver A0195 QUEST Software, Inc. 3-11
first_time This flag is set by the calling process. It is TRUE only the first time
that the user exit is called.
key_col_search This flag is set by the user exit. It tells the import process to set the
KEY_COL_SRCH_OK flag when the transaction is applied.
user_area This is a comarea provided to the USEREXIT for its own use.
header Contains all non-data information about the original update. This field
contains the following:
struct {
char DBEname[26];
char owner_name[20];
char table_name[20];
char user_name[20];
char commit_time[24];
short record_type;
short num_columns;
short upd_columns;
struct {
short column_type;
short column_length;
} column_array[256];
struct {
short column_num;
short column_type;
short column_length;
} update_array[256];
The individual fields are defined as follows:
DBEname Name of the DBE (fully qualified).
owner_name Owner of the table.
table_name Name of the table.
user_name User name of the entity that committed the transaction. Only valid if
record_type = 1.
commit_time Time the transaction was committed. Only valid if record_type = 1.
This field is in the same format as SQLs DATETIME data type.
record_type Type of record. Defined as:
24 INSERT tuple
25 DELETE tuple
26 UPDATE tuple