NetBase SQL Shadowing Handbook

Troubleshooting NetBase SQL
4-4 QUEST Software, Inc. ver A0195
NBSQLEXP may abort if it encounters:
- Cannot find the directory entry for this DBE
- DBE name is not a valid MPE file name
- The export userexit returns an invalid action code
- A hard resync point is encountered in the log scan
NBSQLEXP, pseudo node may abort if:
- USEREXIT option not specified on directory entry
- Userexit not found, must be there for pseudo node
- SCR file is invalid for this DBE
- Error opening, creating or accessing SCR file
- No partition numbers specified in directory entry
NBSQLIMP may abort if:
- Cannot find the directory entry for this DBE
- DBE name is not a valid MPE file name
- Invalid action code returned by a userexit
- Cannot open transaction save file
- Cannot disable table, action code from post-apply userexit, no pre-apply userexit
Almost all of the above errors occur during initialization. The rest are userexit errors. The
following errors are the errors returned by Apply_Log that will cause NBSQLIMP to abort:
-2817 Invalid WSL log record found
-2819 WSL is not enabled
-10041 Invalid MODE specified
-10042 Invalid FLAG specified
-10044 Invalid log buffer size
-10045 Invalid size_used value
-10046 Invalid buffer offset passed
-10047 Invalid record length
-10048 Invalid BEGIN record out of seq
-10049 Modify record with no begin
-10053 Invalid # SCR slots specified
-15002 Multiple DBE in same transaction
Almost all of the above errors would occur only if something was very wrong with the import