Command Reference Guide

MXCS Commands and Objects
SQL/MX Connectivity Service Administrative Command Reference526350-005
Command Caveats
Command Caveats
Use care when specifying a backslash (\) and dollar sign ($) in commands when input
is not from the command-line or an OBEY command file. These characters have
special meaning to the OSS shell.
Output Report Syntax and Conventions
All output report lines contain a maximum of 79 characters, with longer lines
automatically folded. Because a DS name can be up to 128 characters, a long DS
name is the most likely cause of output report format problems. Field width for DS
names is limited to 32 characters. Therefore, folding occurs for names longer than that
limit. Obey the 32-character limit where possible.
All long lines fold to the next line at a space character nearest the end of the line, with
the remainder of the line indented four spaces. Long DS names appear as in these
Start Server Limits Server Usage
Name State Auto Max Init Idle Con Avl Tot
TDM_Default_DataSource STARTED ON 5 1 1 0 1 1
DS2 STOPPED OFF 5 3 3 0 0 0
STOPPED OFF 10 5 2 0 0 0
STOPPED OFF 5 1 2 0 0 0
Attributes display in either tables or two-column lists, with two-column lists period-filled
between the attribute name and the value.
The first line of all reports contains the command and full object name. This line can be
the only line that some commands display. In addition to the first line, some commands
display a line for each object accessed as shown in the preceding example, while
others display multiple lines per object.
If you use a wild card in a command and no objects are found, the word None appears.
When a specific object is requested by name and not found, an error message
Reports that display many objects (resulting from commands with wild cards) provide a
count of objects output as the last line. The last line indicates how many errors, if any,
were encountered during object iteration. In general, iterations do not stop on one error
unless that error stops processing on other objects.