Command Reference Guide

Object Server Commands
SQL/MX Connectivity Service Administrative Command Reference526350-005
This command displays attributes (state, connection, and configuration) of MXCS
servers. You cannot change these attributes directly.
Command syntax is:
[[[\system-name.]$service-name.]$server-name | *]
is the name of the current system of up to 16 CPUs with the same Expand
address and where the target MXCS process is running. system-name and
service-name identify one service instance.
is the name of the MXCS association server process that owns this server.
is the name of the MXCS server process to be displayed. It must not be an
association or configuration server process. It can be the asterisk (*) wild card.
displays all attributes. If you omit this option, the report provides only the most
commonly used attributes. When more details are needed, especially for the client
side, this option provides additional status. The server must be connected to
retrieve useful information for a detailed display.
DS ds-name
is the name of the DS to be used to select a subset of all MXCS servers on this
service. This option is supported only when the server-name specified is the
asterisk (*) wild card. It then displays only the servers using this DS that were
started by the service process specified in obj-name.
INFO SERVER [obj-name][, DETAIL][, DS ds-name];
Note. ds-name is an SQL identifier and is therefore case-sensitive. When using lowercase
characters, enclose ds-name in quotes to preserve the lowercase characters. Failure to do so
causes ds-name to be automatically uppercased during command execution, which can cause
errors. Enter the default ds-name as