
Migrated data
MxMigrate migrates the following:
User data
SQL logins
Linked/remote servers
SQL jobs
SSIS packages
MxMigrate does not migrate or handle the following:
System databases (for example, master, msdb, tempdb)
SSIS settings
Log shipping
Database mirroring
External dependencies
Reporting Services
Notification Services
Service Broker
MxMigrate does not handle auto-close or offline databases. The databases to be
migrated must be online.
The following Microsoft Software must be installed on the computer running
Microsoft Windows 2008, or Microsoft Windows Vista or 2003 (R2, SP1, SP2),
either 32-bit or 64-bit
Windows Installer 4.x
.NET Framework 3.5
Microsoft XML provider (MsXml6)
Microsoft SQL 2008 Native Client provider (MsNCli)
Microsoft SQL 2008 Management Objects (SMO)
Microsoft SQL 2008 CLR Types
Following are additional requirements for the target server:
HP PolyServe Migration Utility for SQL Server 4.1 user guide 5