Command Reference Guide

2.7 NAME 42
jobs are monitored. This can be checked with the fsesystem and fsepartition
After successful command execution fsejob notifies the FSE administrator with
a suitable message, which is printed to the standard output stream (stdout). If
there was an error during the command execution, an appropriate error message
is printed to the standard error stream (stderr).
JOB LIST INFORMATION Job information that is displayed using the –list
option is the following:
1. JobID ... job identification number (JobID),
2. Partition ... name of the FSE partition on which the job is running,
3. Type ... job type (migration, recall, admin, recovery, maintenance),
4. Priority ... current job priority,
5. Started ... job starting date and time in the format of YYYY/MM/DD
6. Status ... current job status (phase).
... A numerical value is shown for jobs which are in phase of waiting for free re-
sources and a "n/a" string for jobs which already allocated the required resources.
The job id is a numerical identification of a job that consists of the start date of
the job and its sequence number for that particular day.
JOB STATUS INFORMATION Job status information that is printed using
the –status option consists of two parts. First part is the same information as
reported by the – list option, in this case laid out in rows rather than in columns.
See JOB LIST INFORMATION for description of the reported data. Second
part consists of one or more lines, each with the following information:
1. Copy ... consequential number of migrated data copy,
2. Phase ... current phase the job is executing (for this copy),
File System Extender 3.2 Command Line Reference