Command Reference Guide

2.1 NAME 4
Service (S+C),
Resource Manager (S),
Management Interface (S),
File System Event Manager (C).
... there is one File System Event Manager running on each FSE client host.
It controls an arbitrary number of HSM file systems that reside on the same FSE
client host.
Configuration–dependent FSE processes:
Partition Manager (S),
Back End Agent (S),
Library Agent (S).
fse status prints info on the configuration–independent FSE processes only. For
each FSE daemon fse status prints its binary name, its current status (running,
stopped) and the associated process ID(s). If the command is executed on FSE
server (FSE client) it only prints info on the FSE server (FSE client) daemons.
The daemon binary names are listed in the following table.
| fse-svc | Service |
| fse-rm | Resource Manager |
| fse-mif | Management Interface |
| fse-fsevtmgr | File System Event Manager |
POST–START AND PRE–STOP SCRIPTS FSE administrator can set up two
helper scripts which perform certain automated tasks at the FSE system’s (FSE
server’s, FSE client’s) start–up and shut–down time. They are executed by the fse
Both helper scripts have to be placed in the /opt/fse/sbin (on Linux systems) or
%InstallPath%\bin directory (on Windows systems) on a local machine, and have
to be named as specified below:
File System Extender 3.2 Command Line Reference