HP Tru64 UNIX and TruCluster Server Version 5.1B-5 Patch Summary and Release Notes (March 2009)

To revert back to the old sendmail behavior, do the following:
1. Verify the V2/Digital header line is in the /var/adm/sendmail/sendmail.cf
file. If the line is there, proceed to step 2. If it's not there, add it above the #
predefined line. For example:
# vi sendmail.cf
## predefined
2. Add the following lines to the /var/adm/sendmail/sendmail.cf file:
O MaxMimeHeaderLength=0/0
O MaxHeadersLength=-1/-1
3. Restart sendmail Increasing RDG max_objs Value Recommended
For certain applications where Oracle instances are running in a cluster and Memory
Channel is used as the interconnect, console messages of rdg: out of objects
may occur.
Tuning the sysconfigtab value max_objs (under the rdg subsystem) can eliminate
these messages. We recommend doubling your current value.
Because this parameter is not dynamic, you can only change it by modifying the
sysconfigtab file and rebooting your system. After doing this, observe your cluster
to see if the messages have been eliminated.
You can set this value to a maximum of 50,000. Reboot May Resolve Problem with Smart Array Controller
If a problem with your Smart Array controller generates the following message, try
rebooting your system:
Smart Array at ciss(1) not responding - disabled.
If the reboot does not re-enable the hardware, you will need to call your HP support
representative to have the unit repaired. Additional Steps for IPsec Connections
This kit fixes a potential security vulnerability in IP security (IPsec). If you have one
or more IPsec connections configured on your system, you need to ensure that you
have restricted access to each IPsec connection based on the identity of the remote
hosts. You can accomplish this after installing this kit by starting the IPsec SysMan
configuration tool from the command line:
# sysman ipsec
3.2 Prior Release Notes 69