HP Tru64 UNIX and TruCluster Server Version 5.1B-5 Patch Summary and Release Notes (March 2009)

Provides envmon subsystem enhancements on DS-25 and ES-45 platforms.
Fixes a panic in alt driver.
Corrects panic seen during hardware registration.
Corrects a rare circumstance where an IO can erroneously be returned as successful
when it has failed.
Provides event markers to track missing binary.errlog events.
Corrects a Kernel Memory Fault panic in the emx driver.
Enables capturing of additional state during a system failure to facilitate the analysis
of virtual memory related issues.
Fixes a Kernel Memory Fault panic in the KZPEA driver.
Fixes a timing issue during boot process.
Fixes an issue that caused kernel to read thermal data from power supplies across
partition boundaries.
Fixes Kernel Memory Fault on inquiry to a non existing LUN connected through
Fixes "Freed CCB" panic and lock issues.
Fixes a panic in bcm driver.
Provides 2TB LUN support in disk recovery.
Fixes a KMF during boot when KMEM_DEBUG_PROTECT is enabled.
Fixes a problem with read of /dev/mem which resulted in netstat hang.
Prevents monitoring thread issuing IO when disk is in recovery.
Provides event markers to track missing binary.errlog events.
Fixes mistaken report of user id change in audit data for mach trap.
Fixes an issue with usage of GH regions and chunks.
Fixes an issue in pointer synchronization for USB hub devices.
Fixes potential hang in tape backup applications.
Fixes a problem in getsysinfo.
Fixes an issue with the handling of Segmented Shared Memory (SSM) mapped for
read-only access.
Patch 28038.00
Fixes a problem with L_tmpnam macro.
Patch 28039.00
BIND 9.2.8 release.
Fixes a RFC1323 TCP timestamp display problem with tcpdump.
3.4 Summary of Base Operating System Patches 87