HP Tru64 UNIX Version 5.1B-2 and Higher Patch Kit Installation Instructions (March 2009)

In Multi-User Mode
When installing patches in multi-user mode from the command line, you are given a message
informing you that a reboot is necessary to complete the patch installation. However, the system
does not reboot itself.
When installing patches in multi-user mode using the menu-based interface, dupatch gives you
three options if a reboot is necessary:
Reboot now
Schedule a reboot for a later time
Do not reboot
Post-Installation Actions
The following sections describe actions for you to take after you have completed the dupatch
installation procedure.
Enabling the Version Switch After Installing a New Style Patch Kit
Some patches may require you to run the versw -switch command to enable the new functions
delivered in those patches. (See “Version Switches” for information about version switches.) You
perform this action after dupatch has completed the installation:
# versw -switch
The new functionality will not be available until after you reboot your system. You do not have
to run the versw -switch command, but if you do not, your system will not be able to access
the functionality provided in the version switch patches.
Remove Temporary Directory
Once your patch kit is installed, delete the temporary directory in which you expanded the patch
kit tar file. For example:
# rm -r /Patches/PK4
Removing the temporary directory will preclude the possibility of using that directory for
subsequent patch kit installations. When performing a patch kit installation, using a directory
that contains files from a previous patch kit installation can leave your system in an unstable
Remember that if you want to save the patch kit tar file, remove it from the temporary directory
before deleting the directory.
Adding the Worldwide Language Support
Inclusive patch kits provide patches to the Tru64 UNIX Worldwide Language Support subset
(WLS). If the WLS subset is installed on your system, the WLS patches will be installed
automatically when you install the patch kit. However, if you install the WLS subset after patching
your system, you will have to rerun dupatch to install the WLS patches. The dupatch utility
will see the WLS subset, recognize that the patches have not been installed, and will install them.
Removing Patches
To remove patches from your system, use the Patch Deletion option of the dupatch Main Menu.
The following sections describe actions describe the patch removal process.
Beginning with the version of dupatch delivered in the Version 5.1B-3 kit, the patch removal
process depends upon whether you installed the new form of patch kits, called Inclusive Patch
Kits. These kits began shipping with Version 5.1B-2.
40 Patch Installation and Removal Instructions