HP Tru64 UNIX Version 5.1B-2 and Higher Patch Kit Installation Instructions (March 2009)

# clu_upgrade undo postinstall
2. Shut down SERVER1 (Lead Member) then boot single-user mode to run the dupatch patch
removal program. Do not shut down to single-user level. Instead, shut down the system
and boot to single-user mode:
# shutdown -h now
P00>> boot -fl s
Entering Single-User Mode
3. Perform the following commands on SERVER1:
# init s
# bcheckrc
# lmf reset
4. Perform the dupatch delete procedure. For systems running Patch Kit 4 and earlier,
SERVER1 (Lead Member) must be at single-user mode for this procedure. With systems
running Patch Kit 5 and later, you can run the procedure in multi-user mode. Change
directories to the location of the CSP patch and run dupatch.
# cd /usr/patch_kit
a. Run dupatch on SERVER1 and select Patch Kit Deletion from the Main Menu:
# ./dupatch
Main Menu:
1) Patch Kit Installation
2) Patch Kit Deletion
3) Patch Kit Documentation
4) Patch Tracking
5) Patch Baseline Analysis/Adjustment
h) Help on Command Line Interface
q) Quit
Enter your choice: 2
Ignore any Special Instructions displayed at this time; they do not apply to ERPs or
CSPs. You should, however, refer to the ERP/CSP Patch Release Notes for any special
instructions specific to the ERP/CSP being removed.
b. After the Special Instructions are presented, the following menu is displayed:
1) Patches for Tru64 UNIX V5.1B
2) Patches for TruCluster Server V5.1B
If the CSP/ERP is a base operating system patch select 1, if the patch is specific to
TruCluster, select 2.
c. Enter you name and comment when prompted.
d. Following the display of a long listing of operating system or TruCluster patches
(depending on selection made in last menu) identify the patch from the list and select
e. The patch will then be deleted and, if necessary, a new kernel will be built.
f. When prompted to reboot answer yes; if not prompted, manually reboot system.
5. With the dupatch deletion completed and the Lead Member rebooted, perform undo of
the Install Stage as follows:
# shutdown -h now
Rolling Upgrade 55