HP Tru64 UNIX Version 5.1B-2 and Higher Patch Kit Installation Instructions (March 2009)

dupatch -- Installs, deletes and maintains software patch updates to the Tru64 UNIX operating
system, the TruCluster software products, and (in later kits) the Worldwide Language Support
(WLS) subset.
/usr/sbin/dupatch -help [-data_file ] [-kit kit_location] [-patch_id ] [-rev]
/usr/sbin/dupatch -install -kit kit_location -license -name user_name -note
user_note -patch all | patch_id [patch_id ]... [-cfgfile config_file] [-data
data_file] [-noauto ] [-nobackup ] [-nolog ] [-noroll ] [-precheck_only ] [-proceed
] [-root root_path] -product [ all | product_id ] [-single_user ]
/usr/sbin/dupatch -delete -name user_name -note user_note -patch all |
patch_id [patch_id ]... [-cfgfile config_file] [-data data_file] [-noauto] [-nolog]
[-noroll ] [-proceed ] [-root root_path ] [-product all | product_id ] [-single_user
/usr/sbin/dupatch -track -type [ patch_level | file | kit | patch ] [-data data_file]
[-kit kit_location ] [-nolog] [-root root_path ]
Command Keywords
-install install-options
Installs a software patch or patch kit.
-delete delete-options
Removes an installed patch or patches from the operating
system. Patch deletion requires that the patch was installed
as a reversible patch.
-track track-options
Constructs a history of patch installations and deletions.
Information can be patch-kit specific or patch-file specific.
-help help-options
Requests quick help on dupatch. Supplying an argument
will provide help specifically on that argument.
Required –install Options
-kit kit_location
Specifies the location of the patch kit from which patches
will be installed onto the system.
kit_location is a full path to the directory containing
the patch kit.
Specifies that you have read and agreed to the license
required to install the patch kit. This option is required for
Version 5.1B-3 and higher. If you do not specifiy this option
when required, you will see the following message:
“Please read the license agreement (license.txt) in the top
level directory of the patch kit. To accept the license
agreement, include the -license option in the command
You can also read the license in the Patch Summary and
Release Notes document that is included with your kit.
When you specify this option, the following message is
“You have accepted the license agreement.”
dupatch Reference Page 93