Internet Express for Tru64 UNIX Version 6.8 Administration Guide (14233)

Summary of TLS options available for use in the access data file
OptionalAdditional fieldsSecond (or more) fieldFirst field
CN: Common name of the client or server certification (the fully qualified domain name of
the server)
CS: Common server certification (the fully qualified domain name of the server)
CI: Common client certification (the fully qualified domain name of the client)
CN:name: CN must be ‘name’
CN—CN: CN must the name of the server
CS:name: Domain name must be ‘name’
CI:name: CI Domain name must be ‘name’
5.1.5 Controlling the Sendmail Server
To control the Sendmail server, follow these steps:
1. Under Mail on the Manage Components menu, choose Sendmail Server.
2. From the Sendmail Server Administration menu, choose Start/Stop the Sendmail Server.
3. If the server is currently running, you can:
Stop the server by clicking on Stop.
Restart the server by clicking on Restart.
If the server is currently stopped, you can start the server by clicking on Start.
5.1.6 Configuring Mailbox Access
The mailbox is a file that resides in the /usr/spool/mail directory and contains new and
unread mail messages. Access to the mailbox directory is controlled by two attributes, locking
style and mount point.
To configure mailbox access on your system, follow these steps:
1. Under Mail on the Manage Components menu, choose Sendmail Server.
2. From the Sendmail Server Administration menu, choose Configure Mailbox Access.
3. On the Configure Mailbox Access form, select a lock style from the Lock Style pull-down
File System R/W Lock (see lockf(3))—This locking mechanism provides the best
performance. Select this style if you are not using NFS to export or import the mailbox
directory, or if the NFS server for the mailbox directory uses the Tru64 UNIX operating
system. If you are not sure, select Create .lock Files.
Create .lock Files—Select this style if the system on which the mailbox directory resides
does not use the Tru64 UNIX operating system.
Both—Select this style if you are NFS exporting the mailbox directory or if you are sure
that the NFS server was configured to use both lockf and .lock files.
4. Select a sharing style from the Mailbox Sharing pull-down menu:
5.1 Sendmail Server Administration 121