Internet Express for Tru64 UNIX Version 6.8 Administration Guide (14233)

Figure 15-1 InterNetNews Administration Menu
For information on tuning your system to improve the performance of your news server, visit
the following Tru64 UNIX site:
15.1 INN Daemons
INN is composed of four daemons that interact with news servers on the Internet:
innd—The primary news server daemon that handles all incoming newsfeeds, receives all
incoming news articles, files and queues all articles for distribution to other sites, waits for
connections on the Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) port, and implements all NNTP
commands. NNTP specifies the method for distribution, inquiry, retrieval, and posting of
news articles. It establishes standard commands that allow news servers to share news items
with other news servers, and for clients to use news readers to read and post news items to
and from servers.
ctlinnd—Provides a front end to innd. All management of innd occurs through ctlinnd.
It also handles all standard commands for adding and deleting newsgroups or shutting
down the news server.
innxmit—Transmits news articles to other newsfeeds.
nnrpd—Handles all sending and receiving of news for your users' news reader programs
and implements all NNTP commands (except for ihave and newnews).
For more information on InterNetNews, see the INN Web pages at You can also review the set of FAQs in /usr/news/doc.
15.2 Specifying INN Configuration Data
Specifying INN configuration data is optional. When you choose Modify INN Configuration
Data from the InterNetNews Administration menu, the INN Configuration Data form shows
the current configuration for your news server, as shown in Figure 15-2.
232 InterNetNews Server Administration