Command Reference Guide

Platform LSF Command Reference 127
With MultiCluster, both clusters must run LSF Version 7 or later. You cannot post
a message to a MultiCluster job if the clusters are disconnected. You cannot attach
files to MultiCluster jobs.
-a data_file Attaches the specified data file to the job external storage. This option is ignored for
MultiCluster jobs; you can only attach a file if the job executes in the local cluster.
Use the JOB_ATTA_DIR parameter in
lsb.params(5) to specify the directory
where attachment data files are saved. The directory must have at least 1 MB of free
mbatchd checks for available space in the job attachment directory before
transferring the file.
Use the MAX_JOB_ATTA_SIZE parameter in
lsb.params to set a maximum size
for job message attachments.
-d "description" Places your own status text as a message to the job. The message description has a
maximum length of 512 characters.
For example, your application may require additional job status descriptions
besides the ones that LSF provides internally (
PEND, RUN, SUSP, etc.)
"no description"
-i message_index Operates on the specified message index.
Default: 0
Use the MAX_JOB_MSG_NUM parameter in
lsb.params to set a maximum
number of messages for a job. With MultiCluster, to avoid conflicts,
MAX_JOB_MSG_NUM should be the same in all clusters.
job_ID | "job_ID[index]" | -J job_name
Required. Operates on the specified job. With MultiCluster job forwarding model,
you must always use the local job ID.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
bpost -i 1 -d "step 1" -a step1.out 2500
Puts the message text step 1 into message index 1, and attaches the file step1.out
to job 2500.
See also
bread(1), bstatus(1), MAX_JOB_ATTA_SIZE, MAX_JOB_MSG_NUM