Command Reference Guide

Platform LSF Command Reference 139
RERUNNABLE If the RERUNNABLE field displays yes, jobs in the queue are rerunnable. That is,
jobs in the queue are automatically restarted or rerun if the execution host becomes
unavailable. However, a job in the queue is not restarted if you remove the
rerunnable option from the job.
CHECKPOINT If the CHKPNTDIR field is displayed, jobs in the queue are checkpointable. Jobs
use the default checkpoint directory and period unless you specify other values.
Note that a job in the queue is not checkpointed if you remove the checkpoint
option from the job.
Specifies the checkpoint directory using an absolute or relative path name.
Specifies the checkpoint period in seconds.
Although the output of
bqueues reports the checkpoint period in seconds, the
checkpoint period is defined in minutes (the checkpoint period is defined through
bsub -k "checkpoint_dir []" option, or in lsb.queues).
JOB CONTROLS The configured actions for job control. See JOB_CONTROLS parameter in
The configured actions are displayed in the format [action_type, command] where
action_type is either SUSPEND, RESUME, or TERMINATE.
If the LSF administrator specified an administrator comment with the -C option of
the queue control commands
qclose, qopen, qact, and qinact, qhist the
comment text is displayed.
SLOT_SHARE Share of job slots for queue-based fairshare. Represents the percentage of running
jobs (job slots) in use from the queue. SLOT_SHARE must be greater than zero.
The sum of SLOT_SHARE for all queues in the pool does not need to be 100%. It
can be more or less, depending on your needs.
SLOT_POOL Name of the pool of job slots the queue belongs to for queue-based fairshare. A
queue can only belong to one pool. All queues in the pool must share the same set
of hosts.
Recursive Share Tree Output (-r)
In addition to the fields displayed for the -l option, the -r option displays the
The -r option causes bqueues to recursively display the entire share information
tree associated with the queue.